We love art! Thanks to Piper who made art for our gallery
We love art! Thanks to Piper who made art for our gallery and came by with Trapper Haskins (@trapperhaskins) to visit from Tennessee. #visitors #oldfriends #ohioriver #louisville
Beautiful Places Between This and That
After Colusa, the character of the river changed. The levees moved right up near the river and most of the banks were rocked creating a channel walled from the adjacent fields by a thin scrim of trees. In many places, roads ran atop the levees so drivers were startled to see what appeared to be…
Two Nuns, A Gambler, and an Heiress walk onto a boat… (updated)
We’ve been the talk of the town to some degree. Dozens of people have made their way to the docks at the National Mississippi River Museum to check out our shantyboat. Many of them were clutching the article that came out in the Telegraph Herald last Friday. A lot of places we go, people ask…
Engine Troubles, Burger Lexicon, A Theft, and Much Generosity
St. Paul, MN to Prescott, WI and the many awesome people we met as well as a story of grievous mischief and unimagined generosity.