We’re trying a new thing called Preventative Maintenance
We’re trying a new thing called Preventative Maintenance. Word is we will have fewer wheels falling off. #ohioriver #roadtrip #preventativemaintenance #trailer
Beautiful day on the Ohio River in Louisville as we make our way up river to take out
Beautiful day on the Ohio River in Louisville as we make our way up river to take out. The shantyboat Dotty on the trailer is headed to the Portland Museum for a closing reception for our exhibit there. #Shantyboat #OhioRiver #Louisville #Trailer
Chuvas Senior gets replacement tire and rim. Junior packs new bearings with marine grease.
Chuvas Senior gets replacement tire and rim. Junior packs new bearings with marine grease. Meanwhile all the old bearings are replaced and repacked. Chuvas told me he had been in King City for 30 years and spoke little English. He moved from Michoacan to Mexico City where he worked 27 years as a mechanic. #roadtrip…
River Voices (Unofficial Cut) – 2018 Trailer
Our 2018 trailer video featuring river people from 1250 miles of the Mississippi and Tennessee Rivers.
River Voices – 2017 Trailer
After 3 years of fieldwork, 1000 river miles, 15,000 road miles, 85 interviews, and now 1 month of combing the archive, and innumerable editing hours, we are extremely excited to present the new trailer.
Life On the River – 2015 Trailer
The amazing Secret History River Life trailer by filmmaker Monica Yap.
We Turn To The River – 2014 Trailer
The Secret History lyrical trailer from the talented Lauren Kincaid-Filbey with footage from the Sacramento River Delta.