Replacing frayed keel knuckles. Easier than we feared.
Replacing frayed keel knuckles. Easier than we feared. #diy #boatrepair #skegs
Those Troublesome Skegs, Finishing Touches
So the skegs are mounted, but the carriage bolt countersinks are still there. Let’s fix that. I bought a hardwood dowel of the same diameter as my countersink holes. Happily, the grain ran crossways the length of the dowel, making sweet little plugs when I cut little coins off the end. A story in pictures.…
Those Troublesome Skegs, Mistakes Were Made
So the skegs have been cut, spliced, drilled, countersunk, stained, and finished. Now we only have to mount them. Easy, right? Ahem. I looked for a long time to find just the right sealant and adhesive for the skegs. They get bolted down of course, but you have to seal them really well, both to…
Those Troublesome Skegs, Bolt Holes and Finish
Here we drill all sorts of holes in our newly made skegs and finish them. You know, it really helps to have the right tools. And you know what helps having the right tools? Money. I don’t got none of that, so I have to make do with the tools I have. And sometimes that…
Those Troublesome Skegs, Scarf Joints
I had to turn 14 foot pieces of lumber into 16 foot lengths for the bottom skegs. To do this we use a scarf joint. According to wikipedia: The joint is formed by cutting opposing tapered ends on each member which are then fitted together. When working with wood, this gives better long grain to…
Those Troublesome Skegs, Part the First
When we built punk rafts and floated several big rivers, we powered the rafts with canoe paddles and our own arms. Though the big innertubes that floated the rafts provided so much flotation, they drew no more than a few inches of water, it was still like pushing a truck. After a long day of…