The Cabin Has a Floor
Let’s put in a floor! This is the floor that will be inside the cabin. Remember the beautiful old redwood I got from the chicken shed that Jen, Kai, Alex and I salvaged last year? I wanted to use these thick 1x12s for flooring in the boat. The also have the advantage of putting some weight…
Boating errand in the flattest dryest spot in North America
“Ha ha,” said Alex when we took off with the 20 foot flatbed, “We were worried about the trailer, but just think, my tow kit is only being held on by four bolts.” Ha ha, I said. An hour later we were heading back to Reno after a dramatic bumper removal and whiplashing trailer on…
Destruction and Creation
Sometimes the treasure hunt of creating something from salvaged materials is half the fun. Okay, Okay. I’ll admit it, more than half the fun. I’ve been making art out of bullshit found in junkpiles and on dump runs for more than a decade. But when you want to create a barn or a shed or…