A Crazy Plan to Launch the Shantyboat in the Ocean
We launched in the Santa Cruz Harbor yesterday and pulled the boat out into dry dock, the shantyboat’s only second voyage in the Pacific Ocean.
You Won’t Believe what they found when they opened my outboard engine
Though stuck in this small town made famous by the American Pickers, there were interviews, adventures, and surprises.
Facing a New Day of Bad News
In which we discover that things don’t look good, though — since we have a good imagination — we can see that they could always be worse.
A Midnight Journey to the Bone Yard
The potholes were deep, nearly as deep as our growing fear. Trees loomed on either side. Thunderclouds threatened on the horizon. Hazel dog was unaccountably agitated. We flew down the Iowan country road through thick fields of fireflies, a kind of hillbilly hyperspace.
Roadtrips are always more interesting when your wheels fall off
As we were about to hit the road, a lady in the car in front of us was irritatingly gesticulating at us. What could this lady possibly want? What was she trying to tell us? Another person who wants to stop us o give us an enthusiastic thumbs up about the shantyboat? Jeremiah went to…
Introducing Freddie
You remember last year when we were on the river with Mr. Johnson? We got him a friend. We want to introduce you to Freddie.
A Series of Unfortunate Events
California, we love you, but please please let us achieve escape velocity. We are still in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. It is beer thirty and we are sitting coolly in the shantyboat on this hot hot day drinking tall cans of PBR, reading (Kai) and blogging (me). This morning we were woken…