Searching for Living Native History in the Ohio River Valley
I’ve been going crazy all evening looking for native people in the Ohio River Valley.
We’re Headed to New York
The Hudson River: Environmental fights. Mahican, Munsee and Wappinger removals. Northern slavery, resistance, and abolition. Fights against the pervasive control of capital. Historical and contemporary conflict. Who do you know who shoulders the weight of that history today? Who lives the legacy of that struggle now?
Looking Back at the War Against the Dakota People in Minnesota
I was reminded of these interviews recently, and how little I know when I heard a radio story about the U.S.-Dakota War.The conflict engulfed the very area in which I interviewed the Dakota men. I hadn’t asked Arthur or Art directly about the conflict, though we alluded to it when we talked about the Ft. Snelling Indian concentration…
Two Prairie Island Indian Community Interviews
I had the tremendous honor of interviewing two members of the Prairie Island Indian Community, part of the Mdewakanton Sioux band (“people born of the water”), located just north of Red Wing.