Interview with Sean, Jess, Ayla, and Mia who talked about living in small town Upstate New York
Interview with Sean, Jess, Ayla, and Mia who talked about living in small town Upstate New York
Welcome our new shipmate Jeremiah who has been on all five Secret History expeditions since 2014
Welcome our new shipmate Jeremiah who has been on all five Secret History expeditions since 2014
V, Shonica, and Carlos brought us breakfast. In exchange, we got them addicted to good espresso
V, Shonica, and Carlos brought us breakfast. In exchange, we got them addicted to good espresso
“We came upon a rickety house raft… putting upstream powered by an old outboard and piloted by a wrinkled, sun-tanned old man
“We came upon a rickety house raft… putting upstream powered by an old outboard and piloted by a wrinkled, sun-tanned old man
All of Bill’s friend join him on the tug to view the fireworks
All of Bill’s friend join him on the tug to view the fireworks
Exhibition in Waterford: more people than you can shake a stick at. Including my old Jr High school friend, Corey
Exhibition in Waterford: more people than you can shake a stick at. Including my old Jr High school friend, Corey
Exhibition in Waterford: 99 people in the log, but probably three times as many through the boat today
Exhibition in Waterford: 99 people in the log, but probably three times as many through the boat today
An hour hanging out on the back deck of the shantyboat with folklorist George Ward Who told us stories and sang us canal songs
An hour hanging out on the back deck of the shantyboat with folklorist George Ward Who told us stories and sang us canal songs
The Erie Canal starts (or ends, depending on your point of view) in Waterford New York. So big, imposing, and well-dressed, it looks like a set piece
The Erie Canal starts (or ends, depending on your point of view) in Waterford New York. So big, imposing, and well-dressed, it looks like a set piece
Benzy as First Mate has been keeping the ship’s log. I love this. It is charming and she writes in the third person
Benzy as First Mate has been keeping the ship’s log. I love this. It is charming and she writes in the third person
Steamboat Meet at Waterford NY. Tiny tiny little steam powered beasties
Steamboat Meet at Waterford NY. Tiny tiny little steam powered beasties
In north Troy, old money houses like these, clearly having seen better times, were next door to double wides
In north Troy, old money houses like these, clearly having seen better times, were next door to double wides
After 18 years, I finally get to meet John Young and his awesome family
After 18 years, I finally get to meet John Young and his awesome family
The shantyboat art gallery and Jeremiah Daniels Executive Washroom. Art by Sascha, Gina, Butch, Maxine, Lanette, and Jessika
The shantyboat art gallery and Jeremiah Daniels Executive Washroom. Art by Sascha, Gina, Butch, Maxine, Lanette, and Jessika
Best date night ever. Fireworks exploding all around us, playing cards, listening to marching band music to mask the fireworks for @gooddoghazel
Best date night ever. Fireworks exploding all around us, playing cards, listening to marching band music to mask the fireworks for @gooddoghazel
Shipmate John Young successfully completes his first certified under-over. Now he can be a roadie
Shipmate John Young successfully completes his first certified under-over. Now he can be a roadie
Proud captain of the Shantyboat Dotty @originalsportkilt
Proud captain of the Shantyboat Dotty @originalsportkilt
Nearly played bingo. Apparently you have to show up on time because all the cards are sold within a few minutes
Nearly played bingo. Apparently you have to show up on time because all the cards are sold within a few minutes
What happened down here? Half a block from the waterfront, what I had to have been the center of commerce or industry, now empty lots and ugly blocks of what look like low income housing
What happened down here? Have a block from the waterfront, what I had to have been the center of commerce or industry, now empty lots and ugly blocks of what look like low income housing
Thompson‘s camp. People apparently still sit on porches here, though I don’t see many of them on this very hot afternoon
Thompson‘s camp. People apparently still sit on porches here, though I don’t see many of them on this very hot afternoon
While there is lots of old abandoned stuff around, some of the new abandoned stuff is intriguing
While there is lots of old abandoned stuff around, some of the new abandoned stuff is intriguing
A river runs through it. Anthony Kill winds through Mechanicville
A river runs through it. Anthony Kill winds through Mechanicville
We sadly say fare-thee-well to our shipmates Ariel and Sascha
We sadly say fare-thee-well to our shipmates Ariel and Sascha
Little beach campfire along the shore of the Hudson River
Little beach campfire along the shore of the Hudson River
Thinking more about environmental toxins
“For over 45 years, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater has been at the forefront of the environmental movement as champion of the Hudson River, working to pass landmark legislation like the Clean Water Act, and providing innovative educational programs, environmental advocacy, and musical celebrations, including the renowned annual Clearwater Festival, to inspire, educate, and activate millions…
Back alleys of Schuylerville NY. We stopped for 1) ice cream, 2) a sandwich, 3) a few groceries, 4) a quick shower, 5) a load of wash
Back alleys of Schuylerville NY. We stopped for 1) ice cream, 2) a sandwich, 3) a few groceries, 4) a quick shower, 5) a load of wash
Please welcome our new shipmates Sascha and Ariel who joined us just before we left Ft Edward
Please welcome our new shipmates Sascha and Ariel who joined us just before we left Ft Edward
We found an old bridge across a little creek in an inlet on the Hudson. Benzy asks: “But is it authentic?
We found an old bridge across a little creek in an inlet on the Hudson. Benzy asks: “But is it authentic?
This is where 1.3 million pounds of PCBs were discharged into the Hudson River
Benzy says: “This is where approximately 1.3 million pounds of PCBs were discharged into the Hudson River from two General Electric (GE) capacitor manufacturing plants located in the towns of Fort Edward and Hudson Falls, New York prior to 1977 when PCBs were banned. This explains the lack of fishing, swimming and boats. GE has…
Secret History shantyboat in Fort Edward’s Yacht Basin
Secret History shantyboat in Fort Edward’s Yacht Basin
Arrived in Fort Edward Yacht Basin where the seawall dwarfs us a bit
Arrived in Fort Edward Yacht Basin where the seawall dwarfs us a bit
Results of a 1am emergency loft skeeter netting encapsulation project. Despite the rain, apparently we had posted up in Mosquito Central near Lock 8
Results of a 1am emergency loft skeeter netting encapsulation project. Despite the rain, apparently we had posted up in Mosquito Central near Lock 8
Posted up right under the surprisingly fancy signal at Lock 8 for the night
Posted up right under the surprisingly fancy signal at Lock 8 for the night
Interview with Brian Abrams, Chief Lock Operator at Lock 9 on the Champlain Canal, who talked about his 21 years on the NY Canal System
Interview with Brian Abrams, Chief Lock Operator at Lock 9 on the Champlain Canal, who talked about his 21 years on the NY Canal System
Shantyboat moored at Lock 9 on the Champlain Canel
Shantyboat moored at Lock 9 on the Champlain Canel
Traffic stopped on bridge over the canal to watch us go by
Traffic stopped on bridge over the canal to watch us go by
We are under way. Down the Champlain Canal after ascending in Lock 12
We are under way. Down the Champlain Canal after ascending in Lock 12
New deck cleat plates and the tools required to install them
New deck cleat plates and the tools required to install them
Because we have so many cool old stone buildings we can use them for coal storage
Because we have so many cool old stone buildings we can use them for coal storage
Hazel hero shot. Contemplating her soon-to-be nautical life
Hazel hero shot. Contemplating her soon-to-be nautical life
First cup of coffee sitting on the deck in sunshine at Whitehall Marina above the Champlain Canal
First cup of coffee sitting on the deck in sunshine at Whitehall Marina above the Champlain Canal
We arrived in Whitehall NY at Lock 11 after 3038 miles and only a few near catastrophes
We arrived in Whitehall NY at Lock 11 after 3038 miles and only a few near catastrophes
Fuck Indiana roads
Fuck Indiana roads. Are they trying to rival California’s notoriously shitty roads? It shakes the shit out of our teeth and sends the boat into dangerous oscillations
Flooding in West Central Illinois on the Illinois River
Flooding in West Central Illinois on the Illinois River
Ceremonial witchcraft to salute the deer people who have died here
Ceremonial witchcraft to salute the deer people who have died here
Keeping the driver awake with lurid and prurient tales
Keeping the driver awake with lurid and prurient tales: “She rolled over again, pushed a mass of inky hair away from her eyes, and surveyed her body with the satisfaction in which there was nothing of smugness. She knew it was a good body, a lovely body. It was too early for her to have…
Shantyboat life at the Continental Divide. Stop and make coffee for the new driver. A beer for the one going off shift
Shantyboat life at the Continental Divide. Stop and make coffee for the new driver. A beer for the one going off shift
The landscape of Wyoming is so powerful and evocative
The landscape of Wyoming is so powerful and evocative, it makes me imagine riding a horse over the prairie when I don’t even like riding horses
Shantyboat at the Thunder Mountain Indian Monument along I80 in Nevada. A monument to native suffering at the hands of white folk
Shantyboat at the Thunder Mountain Indian Monument along I80 in Nevada. A monument to native suffering at the hands of white folk
Images printed on silk for Secret History NYC show
Images printed on silk for Secret History NYC show
Secret History photos printed on silk organza for NYC show at @whiteboxny
Secret History photos printed on silk organza for NYC show at @whiteboxny
Treating the edges of several hundred feet of Secret History photos for our NYC exhibition at @whiteboxny
Treating the edges of several hundred feet of Secret History photos for our NYC exhibition at @whiteboxny
Now from Redwood House Labs comes the Trailer Tester™! For the first time, you can test your trailer lights and brakes solo even without your vehicle
Now from Redwood House Labs comes the Trailer Tester™! For the first time, you can test your trailer lights and brakes solo even without your vehicle
The Goodmans, Brett and Andi in the Felton Remembers Parade
The Goodmans, Brett and Andi in the Felton Remembers Parade
Evidence of at least five different shantyboat projects on the Redwood House lab workbench
Evidence of at least five different shantyboat projects on the Redwood House lab workbench
Benzy and I host an impromptu all-night solder party to work on various projects including an intra-boat telephone system for the shantyboat
Benzy and I host an impromptu all-night solder party to work on various projects including an intra-boat telephone system for the shantyboat
So many things still to do before we can leave in a week. Oh god
So many things still to do before we can leave in a week. Oh god
Incremental improvements on the shantyboat. New urinal pipe and blocks to support the gangplank
Incremental improvements on the shantyboat. New urinal pipe and blocks to support the gangplank
I broke my vow not to do any more plumbing sweats for the shantyboat plumbing. Not great, but not bad
I broke my vow not to do any more plumbing sweats for the shantyboat plumbing. Not great, but not bad
Art for the shantyboat gallery from Jessika and Jimmy Gallop https://jessikagallopart.weebly.com
Art for the shantyboat gallery from Jessika and Jimmy Gallop https://jessikagallopart.weebly.com
Morning on the shantyboat at the Tannery Art Center
Morning on the shantyboat at the Tannery Art Center
Shantyboat looking shipshape for exhibition on Cooper Street
Shantyboat looking shipshape for exhibition on Cooper Street
Previous shipmates will know the terror of towing the shantyboat, this 7000 pound swaying trailer barreling down the road
Previous shipmates will know the terror of towing the shantyboat, this 7000 pound swaying trailer barreling down the road
New additions to the Jeremiah Alexander Daniels Executive Washroom Gallery aboard the Shantyboat Dotty. Thanks to supporters who sent new art
New additions to the Jeremiah Alexander Daniels Executive Washroom Gallery aboard the Shantyboat Dotty. Thanks to supporters who sent new art
Join us at Ebb and Flow in Santa Cruz tonight and tomorrow. Santa Cruz MAH Friday, Tannery At Center Saturday
Join us at Ebb and Flow in Santa Cruz tonight and tomorrow. Santa Cruz MAH Friday, Tannery At Center Saturday
Amateur machinist work on the shantyboat control panel
Amateur machinist work on the shantyboat control panel
Modifying the new boat stairs for Secret History exhibitions. An angle grinder will improve anyone’s day
Modifying the new boat stairs for Secret History exhibitions. An angle grinder will improve anyone’s day
Proving that the project is not above child labor, we have helpers preparing the boat for the next two weekends of exhibitions Photo by @hickeyblvd
Proving that the project is not above child labor, we have helpers preparing the boat for the next two weekends of exhibitions Photo by @hickeyblvd
On Friday and Saturday, June 1 and 2, The shantyboat & Secret History project will participate in at @tanneryartscenter. Find us on Cooper Street on Fri and Tannery Sat
On Friday and Saturday, June 1 and 2, The shantyboat & Secret History project will participate in at @tanneryartscenter. Find us on Cooper Street on Fri and Tannery Sat
Rediscovering our secret cache of Dr Thunder’s Peachy Fire Whiskey during a shantyboat workday. #shantyboat #secrethistory #firewhiskey
Rediscovering our secret cache of Dr Thunder’s Peachy Fire Whiskey during a shantyboat workday. #shantyboat #secrethistory #firewhiskey
Norwegian Shantytown located in Red Hook, Brooklyn
This is the Norwegian Shantytown located in Red Hook, Brooklyn. The tall building is the Gowanus Grain Terminal on Columbia Street.
Interview with Janet Bennett at the Dutra Museum of Dredging
Interview with Janet Bennett at the Dutra Museum of Dredging in Rio Vista. Everything you ever wanted to know about dredging and more