Hudson River
WAMC Albany: Searching For Hudson River Stories On A Shanty Boat
WAMC Public RadioBy Lucas Willard Listen Now to the WAMC Public Radio story: A recreated mid-century shanty boat is traveling down the Hudson River in search of stories. “A Secret History of American River People” is a project by a California-based artist Wes Modes. Modes took WAMC’s Southern Adirondack Bureau Chief Lucas Willard…
Best Friend I’ve Never Met
For many years I’ve had a total friend crush on John Young who started the original Guerilla Drive-In in West Chester, Pennsylvania (note below that he claims I had the idea first). This year, finally, the Hudson River brings us together. Here’s his sweet version of this story: Kate, Lydia, and I are headed to…
Post-Star: Shantyboat docks in Fort Edward to collect Hudson River stories
Post-Star by Gwendolyn Craig FORT EDWARD — It’s not every day that one might see a shantyboat floating down the Hudson River, but many people did Sunday around the Fort Edward Yacht Basin. Wes Modes, shantyboat maker, artist, story collector and captain, opened his floating home to the public, helping kick off part of the World Awareness…
If we mention that old river towns are dying, we really mean they are being killed
In the towns we’ve visited across America, the historic heart of small river towns are dying. Or more accurately, they are being killed by the Walmartization of everything. We are currently in upstate New York in Fort Edward on the Hudson River and this town is no exception. This despite the best efforts of people…
We are on the water!
Just a quick note to let you know that yes, after four harrowing hair-silvering days on the road, over 3,038 miles through 12 states, we arrived safely in New York with no major mishaps. No wheels fell off. No engines or transmissions exploded. We made it to the quaint little town of Whitehall, New York.…
Furgary Boat Club & Shantytown
In the city of Hudson, known to tourists for its antique shops and fine dining, a cluster of century-old fishing shacks from the Hudson River estuary’s once prosperous shad fishery teeters on the waterfront.
We’re Headed to New York
The Hudson River: Environmental fights. Mahican, Munsee and Wappinger removals. Northern slavery, resistance, and abolition. Fights against the pervasive control of capital. Historical and contemporary conflict. Who do you know who shoulders the weight of that history today? Who lives the legacy of that struggle now?