What This Means
Sometimes as the world falls apart, as the drumbeats of war sound, as ubiquitous corruption exposes the true values of capitalism, as the torrential rain of violence exposes America’s racist foundations, as people here and elsewhere suffer and hunger and thirst and die, why should my life’s work come to this? Is it conscionable to…
How You Make This Project Happen
I’ve already mentioned to you that the Secret History project is a shoestring affair in which our $10K budget is tiny compared to a similarly ambitious project that would be more likely in the $100K range. All true. I’ve shown you these pie charts when you supported the project’s Kickstarter, and you already know that…
Going Into the Third Year of This Successful Project
Thanks to you, the second year expedition of the Secret History project on the Upper Mississippi River was a huge success. We were pretty sure the second year journey to the river couldn’t be as excitement-filled as the first, but it still included multiple shredded tires, self-destructing axels, and sketchy midnight trailer parts expeditions. But…
We lost Amy, Minnesota recycling, and missing contacts
e lost Amy. Somewhere between last summer’s fieldwork and this spring, Amy went missing. She was with us at the end of last summer’s voyage when we were using her to communicate to barges and locks. Jeremiah has reason to think she was stolen at some point.
Support For This Project
We had a successful fundraiser which covered a portion of the expected costs, but particularly challenging were some of the sneaky show-must-go-on surprise costs. We could use your financial support.