Correcting Mistakes II: The Usefulness of Square Corners
When we went to put sheets of plywood on the top, er, bottom of the boat hull, they didn’t really line up. WTF? It seemed unlikely that four sheets of plywood were manufactured not quite square, so we had to look elsewhere. When we assembled the stringers with the cross beams, we had squared the…
Correcting Mistakes I
Today, the chickens come home to roost. Remember that pesky three degree error? As we assembled each of the stringers, we could see that the pieces didn’t come together quite right. It would have been laborious but simple enough to cut new ones, but oh no. I figured I could just cheat the difference on…
First Build Day: Building Form
After months of hemming and hawing over plans and possibilities and uncertainties and even driving to the Middle of Nowhere to get a trailer, finally we start building the boat. Or at least we build something that is essential for building the boat. The Glen-L plans call for making a building form upon which to…