Roof Rafters – The cabin takes shape
When we disassembled the Hollister chicken coop, we got a bunch of beautiful old 1×12 redwood siding, a shitton of corrugated metal, a handful of old dimensional redwood 2x4s, and finally, a dozen or so roof rafters, complete with birdsmouths. True they were old and some were a little worse for wear, rotted at the…
New Boat Vocabulary Word: Coaming
One of the smarter things I’ve done on the shantyboat, was to add a coaming around the edge of the cabin. A new vocab word for me as I slowly get all nautical during the one plus year shantyboat build: coam·ing /ˈkōmiNG/ Noun A raised border around a ship’s hatch serving to support the hatch…
More Cabin Planning
If you’ve been following the blog, you know that one place that I’m diverging from the Glen-L Waterlodge plans is in the cabin. While I have been true to the plans while building the hull, I am increasingly going off into the wild blue as I design and build the cabin. The original plans called for a…
Fancy Pants New Renderings
There you go. 3D rendering doesn’t make anything more real, but it does help me understand some of the challenges I’ll face when I start constructing the cabin. New rendering, now with more Hazel dog!
Thinking About Cabin Construction
Now that the boat is ready to be flipped, I’m thinking again about the cabin. Here’s the plan, in general, for the completed shantyboat. I’d been giving some thought earlier to the cabin layout, but finally sat down and planned everything out using real measurement. In clockwise order from top left: Small galley with 2-burner…