A River Reading List

Here are materials we consider critical to our growing River People Library:

  1. Buchanan, T. C. (2004). Black life on the Mississippi: Slaves, free Blacks, and the western steamboat world. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
  2. Hubbard, H., & Wallis, D. (1994). Shantyboat journal. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky.
  3. Hubbard, H. (1977). Shantyboat: A river way of life. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.
  4. Jonk, C. (1964). River journey (2nd ed.). New York: Stein and Day.
  5. Kraig, B. (2006). Riverworld: the Vanished World of Illinois Riverfolk. In R. Hosking (Ed.), Authenticity in the kitchen: Proceedings of the Oxford symposium on food and cookery 2005 (pp. 283-294). Totnes: Prospect Books.
  6. Lehman, C. P. (2011). Slavery in the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1787-1865: A history of human bondage in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland.
  7. Lighty, K., & Lighty, M. (1930). Shanty-Boat, etc. [An account of river-boat life on the Mississippi. With plates.]. New York, London: Century Co.
  8. McCarthy, C. (1992). Suttree. New York: Vintage International, Vintage Books.
  9. Oddy, E. (2013). A Mississippi diary: From St. Paul, Minnesota to Alton, Illinois, October 1894 to May 1895. Scotland: The Grimsay Press.
  10. Phillips, M. G. (2009). The floating boathouses on the upper Mississippi River: Their history, their stories. Minnesota: Boathouse Book.
  11. Rankin T. (1991). The Photographs of Maggie Lee Sayre: A Personal Vision of Houseboat Life. In J. N. Hardin (Ed.), Folklife annual 90: A publication of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress (pp. 100-121). Washington, D.C: American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress.
  12. Roediger, D. R. (2007). The wages of whiteness: Race and the making of the American working class. London: Verso.
  13. Rølvaag, O. E. (1985). The boat of longing. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press.
  14. Speakman, H. (2004). Mostly Mississippi: A very damp adventure. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  15. Spears, R. S. (1973). The cabin boat primer: Containing descriptions and diagrams, photographs and chapters on the construction, navigation and use of house-boats for pleasure and profit. Columbus, O: A.R. Harding.
  16. Sutton, K. (2014, March 23). Shantyboat towns fade into the past. Retrieved from http://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2014/mar/23/shantyboat-towns-fade-past/?f=threerivers
  17. Writers’ Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Minnesota, & Federal Writers’ Project (1975). The Bohemian Flats. New York: AMS Press.
  18. Zinn, H. (1980). A people’s history of the United States. New York: Harper & Row.
  19. Zinn, H. (1991). Declarations of independence: Cross-examining American ideology. New York: HarperPerennial.


4 responses to “A River Reading List”

  1. Michael Edgar Avatar
    Michael Edgar

    You’ve really got to read this book:
    Wicked River: The Mississippi When It Last Ran Wild (Vintage)

    -From a fellow shanty boat cruiser

    1. Sounds great! I ordered it for the Secret History library.

  2. […] Also at dinner was Marti Phillips, friends of Ken and Sara and author of The Floating Boathouses on the Upper Mississippi River: Their History, Their Stories, a book I’d used as a reference before our trip and one I’d included on our river reading list. […]

  3. Dave Polaschek Avatar
    Dave Polaschek

    You might enjoy “Deck on Deck” as well. Working a tug, moving barges around the upper Mississippi… http://www.deckondeck.com/