
In no particular order, here is an ever-growing list of those who’ve helped make the project possible:

  • Kai Dalgleish – First Mate on the Secret History Expedition for tremendous effort over two years to ready the shantyboat for the journey, for problem-solving acumen, and a can-do attitude.
  • Dorothy and Lawrence Manzo – who generously offered their barnyard against the advice of friends and family as a place to build the shantyboat for more than two years.
  • Jennifer Bushard – for enduring years of stockpiling of shantyboat materials and absent weekends.
  • Jennifer Gonzalez – mentor, MFA committee member, and UCSC Associate Professor of History of Art and Visual Culture focused on contemporary art, race and representation for insightful observations, suggestions, and readings.
  • Dee Hibbert-Jones – mentor, MFA committee member, and UCSC Associate Professor  of sculpture, public art, social practice and collaborative engagement for friendship, inspiration, and insightful critique.
  • Brenda Laurel – new media mentor and UCSC Adjuct Professor who provided encouragement and advice.
  • Glen L. Witt – who’s excellent Waterlodge plans and sage advice allowed us to build a boat from scratch with confidence.
  • Lauren Kaley Kincaid-Filbey – videographer who helped make the amazing Secret History video
  • Faith Audens – fellow DIY river rafting veteran who provided general inspiration with her hardcore rafting stories and was also being courted by the now-defunct “Shantyboatmen” reality TV project
  • Myriam Cohen, Mikey Cohen, Jason Arredondo, Jeremiah Daniels, James Burgess, Baerie, Charlie Wingo, Jen Bushard, Kai Dalgleish, Alex Barangan, and Madrone – for the Boat Flip and BBQ day and without whom the shantyboat would still just be an upside down hull.
  • Many many helpers – many friends have come to help with the shantyboat for a day or several over the two years of its creation.
  • Bruce Shoemaker – providing us with lodging and a bicycle on our reconnaissance trip to Minneapolis
  • Harlan and Anna Hubbard – authors of Shantyboat, an artist’s journey down the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers for partly inspiring the project.
  • You – for supporting the project, following the journey, and reading the Secret History archive.