Introducing The Shantyboat Guys!

A few years ago when I was working on the shantyboat and keeping a build blog detailing the build, I got a call from a New York production company interested in a reality TV show about people living in homemade boats. They were calling it…

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I told them this would alienate at least half their audience, especially the badass ladies who were better boatspersons than I. The production company was like a bad boyfriend, leaving me hanging for months and then calling me up, saying “Hey, babe, you’ve always been our favorite talent. The higher ups, they love you.” Then a month would go by and we’d have another series of urgent calls and recorded Skype interviews.

They’d ask me about dramatic or dangerous moments on the river and I’d say, “Listen, running out of coffee is about as dramatic as it gets,” and they’d say, “We can work with that!”

In the end the network must have turned them down, or they found another bright shiny things and they eventually stopped calling.

Jeremiah and I thought we might try to highlight our own high-drama moments with our own Reality TV series we are calling Shantyboat Guys.  Here’s the first few episodes.

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Secret History is my answer to the production worlds of LA and New York, this project full of honest, meaningful, sincere stories.