An interview with artist Butch Anthony literally sitting in Cypress Creek

An interview with artist Butch Anthony literally sitting in Cypress Creek

An interview with artist Butch Anthony literally sitting in Cypress Creek. That morning, Butch told us that NPR had run a story on his drive-through museum, so his phone was suddenly ringing off the hook.

Interview with Butch Anthony sitting in Cyprus Creek

He drove us down a sketchy Alabama country road, really more of a dirt cattle trail with trees slapping the truck as we bounced along, Adrian and I sitting on the tailgate and Hazel dog running beside, until we got to his favorite swimming hole. We did the entire interview in the creek.


We talked about Butch’s art, his museum that he has been curating since he was 14, and his crazy boat trips.

Butch Anthony Art 1
Butch Anthony Art 2
Butch Anthony Art 4
Butch Anthony Art 3
Butch Anthony Art 5

For the last several years he has floated down the length of the Chattahoochee River on a homemade boat.

Butch Anthony Boat 1
Butch Anthony Boat 2
Butch Anthony Boat 3
Butch Anthony Boat 4
Butch Anthony Boat 5

Here’s more of Butch’s unusual art.

Butch Anthony Art 6
Butch Anthony Art 7
Butch Anthony Art 8
Butch Anthony Art 9
Butch Anthony Art 10


One response to “An interview with artist Butch Anthony literally sitting in Cypress Creek”

  1. Frank Basso Avatar
    Frank Basso

    Great trip of interviews… Love the name of the boat… heh heh heh.