A Teeny Tiny Journey Through History

We stumbled into the Savanna Cultural Center. The entire second floor was taken up by an elaborate 800-square foot HO-scale train layout of a 1930s Savanna, Illinois.

Savanna Train Layout
The extensive trainset at the Savanna Cultural Center

As you probably know by now, I love tiny miniature things. I have since I was a kid. It is only by the good grace of God, that I am not holed up in a garage somewhere right now adding grimy details with a double ought paintbrush to a tiny little building of my own tiny imaginary town.

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Passenger train moves through the forests north of teeny tiny Savanna
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Teeny Savanna’s tiny scrapyard
Carpenters building tiny houses
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Tiny hobos in a teeny hobo jungle
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Waiting for tiny trains
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Teeny Savanna’s trainyard
Teeny workers working
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Betty Mom’s Bar in Teeny Savanna
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Lumbermill workers
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Passenger train station from the bridge overlooking the trainyard
Teeny newlyweds leaving town for their tiny honeymoon
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Stacey Marie Garcia monster threatens the tiny residents of teeny Savanna
