Why is it that people who own big expensive yachts are loud as fuck?

Why is it that some people who own  big expensive new yachts are loud as fuck and don’t seem to care who hears them whether it be a drunken 1am or a caffeinated 8am? To be clear they are friendly (to us at least) but also willing to shout questions at us from across the entire marina. Observation: Always white guys in their 50s and 60s

Why is it that some people who own big expensive new yachts are loud as fuck and don’t seem to care who hears them whether it be a drunken 1am or a caffeinated 8am? To be clear they are friendly (to us at least) but also willing to shout questions at us from across the entire marina. Observation: Always white guys in their 50s and 60s. #secrethistory — at Delta Marina Yacht Harbor Inc.