Emma Lee Dean-Dykes Troup, openly trans woman in small town Alabama

Interview with Emma Lee Dean-Dyke Troup, openly trans woman in Florence AL

We interviewed Emma Lee Dean-Dykes Troup who is an openly trans woman going to school in Florence. Though she has been out as queer since she was in her early teens, she only recently came out at trans to the world and, to my surprise, has not encountered a lot of homophobia or transphobia.

I didn’t come with a lot of preconceptions when I came to visit the South, but I was aware that by and large, the South is more socially conservative. So I expected more resistance to Emma’s transition. But as Emma put it, it would be impolite in the South to say anything directly to her. People would be much more likely to quietly talk behind her back. Curious questions have largely been directed to her girlfriend, Savanah.

We definitely know that homophobia and transphobia still exist. For instance, 21 trans women, a record high number, were murdered in the United States last year in violence related to their gender identity, with uncountable incidents of non-fatal violence.

But perhaps in some places, we are seeing a cultural shift. Here’s hoping.

#shantyboat #trans #lgbtq #alabama #lgbtalabama — at Wildwood Park
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