Oral History
Conversations with those who have called the river home. Their stories, in their own words, preserved and shared as a living archive of resilience and change.
Remembering Betty Goins
Remembering Betty Goins who passed away yesterday. We had the immense pleasure to interview Betty in Knoxville, Tennessee in 2016.
Good homes will be furnished these helpless children
While we were in new Richmond, Ohio, I interviewed Beth Dearwester who told me about several generations of her family who lived aboard a shantyboat in a shantytown at the mouth of Mill Creek in Cincinnati and were considered disreputable riffraff, occasionally charged with fighting, petty theft, and “loitering.” It was common place for children…
The Seven Wonders of Portsmouth
Post by honorary shipmate Andrew Feight Shanty Dotty on the Ohio, tied up at the Anchor Pad in Portsmouth, Ohio (18 July 2019). Earlier this week I had the pleasure of sitting for an interview with Wes Modes. Funded with a grant from the Ohio Humanities Council, Wes and his two shipmates (production assistants) are…
The sprawling discussion with Andrew Feight, professor of history at Shawnee State
I had a chance to interview Andrew Feight, professor of history at Shawnee State University. We had a sprawling discussion about the nature of history, who gets to tell it, and whose history gets told. We also talked about Portsmouth history, its role in the Underground Railroad, labor history, and integration, the Shawnee people who…
The charming and colorful George Hausser
I interviewed the charming and colorful George Hausser while we were in Marietta, Ohio. What does a 14-year-old shantyboat kid say to a townie kid who attempts to bum a cigarette? #Interview #OhioRiver #Marietta #BummedCigarette #BallSweat
Interview with our trip angel Evan Clark who lives on a shantyboat
Interview with our trip angel Evan Clark who a) does environmental education and cleanup, b) told us about the effects of post-industrialization and global climate change in PGH, and c) lives in a shantyboat. #interview #shantyboat #secrethistory #oralhistory
Michael Swett – Just One Thing at a Time
This is an excerpt of my interview with Michael Swett. Michael talked to us about the homeless encampment along the banks of the river.
Vrinda Quintero – To Me the River Is
Excerpt of interview with Vrinda Quintero about growing up in Venezuela and living along the banks of the San Lorenzo River.
Exploring Our Very Own San Lorenzo River
This year, the folks at the arts council making Ebb & Flow happen wanted to build the celebration around a series of stories from San Lorenzo River people.
Roland Law’s Wildest Dream for the San Lorenzo River
Roland Law talks about his conservation work along the banks of the San Lorenzo River
George Ow Jr Tells Us About Chinatowns along the San Lorenzo River
An interview with George Ow Jr. along the banks of the San Lorenzo River where we talked about his growing up in one of the last Chinatowns along the river.
Interview with Leo Cruz along the San Lorenzo River
Interview with Leo Cruz about growing up near a river in Mexico and coming to live along the San Lorenzo River.
Interview with Greg Pepping about San Lorenzo River
We interviewed Greg Pepping and talked about the community’s relationship with the San Lorenzo River as part of the Ebb & Flow Festival coming up on June 7th. #ebbandflow #sanlorenzoriver #secrethistory #interview
Interview with shipmate Benzy
SL Benz has been a shipmate on the Secret History expeditions on the Tennessee, Sacramento, and Hudson Rivers since 2016, and soon, the Ohio River. She is a California-based new media artist. I interviewed Benzy about her duties as shipmate and production assistant while we were on the Sacramento River.
Searching for Living Native History in the Ohio River Valley
I’ve been going crazy all evening looking for native people in the Ohio River Valley.
Remembering Tom Holman creator of Bomfire Pizza in Sabula, Iowa
There simply is not enough that can be said about Tom Holman who helped preserve river culture and build community along the banks of a small town on the Mississippi River.
Honoring Tim Mason and the Floating Shantyboat Library
I just found out that the world has become poorer and less interesting. We lost Tim Mason who ran the world’s only floating shantyboat library aboard his shantyboat Driftless with his wife Sara. You may remember that I interviewed Tim in the summer of 2015 in Marquette, Iowa. At the time I wrote: Tim Mason is…
Interview with David Sharps director of the Waterfront Museum on the Lehigh Valley No. 79, one of the last wooden railroad barges
Interview with David Sharps director of the Waterfront Museum on the Lehigh Valley No. 79, one of the last wooden railroad barges. We talked about his career as a juggler, clown, and performer and later as a barge owner #Shantyboatweekend! #Interview #SecretHistory #WoodenBarge #LehighValley #Brooklyn #RedHook #WaterfrontMuseum #NewYorkHarbor #NYC [codepeople-post-map]
Interview with Ginny Norfleet. We talked about the invisible stories of 400 years of African-American history in Haverstraw NY
Interview with Ginny Norfleet. We talked about the invisible stories of 400 years of African-American history in Haverstraw NY. Ginny’s positivity and indomitable resilience in the face of institutional and personal racism, helped remind me why I do this project. #shantyboat #racism #invisiblestories #aahistory #brickyard #slavery #blacklivesmatter
Interview with Mary Liz and Paul Stewart about the Underground Railroad History Project they co-instigate
Interview with Mary Liz and Paul Stewart about the Underground Railroad History Project they co-instigate
Lovely to interview Mary Liz and Paul Stewart from the Underground Railroad Project in Albany, NY. We were able to catch them after their presentation at the Black History conference at HRMM. undergroundrailroadhistory.org/
Lovely to interview Mary Liz and Paul Stewart from the Underground Railroad Project in Albany, NY. We were able to catch them after their presentation at the Black History conference at HRMM. undergroundrailroadhistory.org/
Interview with Leo Bower. We talked about the town of Hudson, the Fugary shantytown and the characters who lived there
Interview with Leo Bower. We talked about the town of Hudson, the Fugary shantytown and the characters who lived there, redevelopment, and changes in town
Interview with Chris Callaghan who organizes the Steamboat Meet and the Tugboat Roundup at the Waterford Harbor
Interview with Chris Callaghan who organizes the Steamboat Meet and the Tugboat Roundup at the Waterford Harbor
Interview with Virginia Clarkson who told us all about growing up in the Bronx and made her way to Waterford
Interview with Virginia Clarkson who told us all about growing up in the Bronx and made her way to Waterford
Interview with Sean, Jess, Ayla, and Mia who talked about living in small town Upstate New York
Interview with Sean, Jess, Ayla, and Mia who talked about living in small town Upstate New York
Interview with Brian Abrams, Chief Lock Operator at Lock 9 on the Champlain Canal, who talked about his 21 years on the NY Canal System
Interview with Brian Abrams, Chief Lock Operator at Lock 9 on the Champlain Canal, who talked about his 21 years on the NY Canal System
Interview with Janet Bennett at the Dutra Museum of Dredging
Interview with Janet Bennett at the Dutra Museum of Dredging in Rio Vista. Everything you ever wanted to know about dredging and more
Interview with Daniela Sartori in Red Bluff about living on the river
Interview with Daniela Sartori in Red Bluff about living on the river, gentrification, education in rural communities, and the fear that your two-year old will be swept away by the Sacramento River
Interview with Russell Ooms about his sinuous journey to Locke
Interview with Russell Ooms about his sinuous journey to Locke, 70s hippies, skinny dipping in the Slough, woodworking, anarchy, Chinese and Dutch values, and neighborhood conflicts
Interview with photographer, author, and historian James Motlow
Interview with photographer, author, and historian James Motlow about the traditionally Chinese community of Locke and his 45 year history there
Interviewing Mark Miller at Railroad Cut Slough
Interviewing Mark Miller at Railroad Cut Slough behind Locke. We talked about old Sac and delta river culture, paddling, and restoring old windows
Interview with Andrew McLeod, historian and tour guide
3rd interview of the morning with Andrew McLeod, historian and tour guide, who told me about Sacramento topography, land use, native and early settlement history, class and racial politics, collective organization, revolutionary conflicts, and the future of the city in the inevitable flooding to come
Interview with Kathy Brunetti about her decades of experience working on agriculture and water quality issues
Interview with Kathy Brunetti. We talked about her decades of experience working on agriculture and water quality on the Sacramento River
Interview with Nancy about her time living aboard a shantyboat on the Sacramento River
Interview with Nancy about her time living aboard a shantyboat on the Sacramento River
Interview with Keith Turley, owner of Stingrayz Bar & Marina along the banks of the Sacramento River in Knights Landing
Interview with Keith Turley, owner of Stingrayz Bar & Marina along the banks of the Sacramento River in Knights Landing
Al brings us fresh vegetables from his garden as we interview his friend Mike
Al brings us fresh vegetables from his garden as we interview his friend Mike
Sara Jane Hall interviews Sheriff Chad about Red Bluff history
Sara Jane Hall interviews Sheriff Chad about Red Bluff history
Gerty Tonjum, boathouse owner, talks about river time
Gerty Tonjum, boathouse owner in Winona, MN along the banks of the Mississippi River summer 2014. This is part of a longer interview in the Secret History archive.
Merryman Kemp founder of Merryman House
Maryman Kemp founder of Maryman House, a shelter for survivors of domestic violence. Interview in Anita’s garden
Nathan Blake Lynn, musician, historian, and amateur folk musicologist
Nathan Blake Lynn, musician, historian, and amateur folk musicologist. Interview at Paducah riverfront at dawn
Glen Lineberry worked on towboats for 50 years
He worked for 40 years on line towboats that would travel from the big river ports hauling stuff upriver. He started as deckhand, and worked as mate, assistant engineer, and finally chief engineer for decades.
Tori Bailey of WZZA Soul Radio
We very nearly interviewed Tori Bailey, possibly the busiest person in the Shoals area. Tori runs WZZA, the only Black radio station in North Alabama, started by her mom and dad in 1972. Tori is also president of the Northwest Alabama NAACP and VP of this and board member of that. Tori organizes the world famous WC…
Anita Cobb knows her family history going back before emancipation
Interview with Anita Cobb, who knows her detailed family history going back five generations to before emancipation
Robert Francil, 4th generation fisherman
Interview with Robert Francil, 4th generation Florence commercial fisherman
Emma Lee Dean-Dykes Troup, openly trans woman in small town Alabama
Interview with Emma Lee Dean-Dyke Troup, openly trans woman in Florence AL
Bob Perry, Chickasaw elder and Annie Perry, knowledgable about the history of the area
Interview with Bob & Annie Perry at Tuscumbia Landing. Bob is a Chickasaw elder and Annie is knowledgable about the history of the area
An interview with artist Butch Anthony literally sitting in Cypress Creek
An interview with artist Butch Anthony literally sitting in Cypress Creek
A Morning with Zachary Nelson
We ran into Zach Nelson while we were docked at Brickyard Marina. He brought over his 72 year-old grandfather Joe who told us stories while Zach played our shantyboat guitar.
An Interview with the Arsenal Archaeologist
I had the opportunity to interview Ben Hoksbergen, archaeologist for the Redstone Arsenal. He took us upriver in his boat to several artifact sites and up to Paint Rock near the Guntersville Dam to see prehistoric paintings on the rock.
Most epically scenic interview ever with archeologist Ben Hoksbergen perched on the side of Painted Bluff
Most epically scenic interview ever with archeologist Ben Hoksbergen perched on the side of Painted Bluff
Doris Turner – What does the river mean to you?
Excerpt from interview with Dorris Turner in Guntersville, Alabama along the banks of the Tennessee River.
Ben Duncan, Duncan’s Boat Dock
People in Knoxville told us, “You have to meet Ben Duncan at Duncan’s Boat Dock. He and other old men sit around there on the dock and swap lies all day.”
Interview with Betty Goins who grew up in a shantyboat
#secrethistory interview with Betty Goins who grew up in a shantyboat where the French Broad and the Holsten empty into the Tennessee River. “Y’all ready to hear about mah good life on the river? Well, Ah’m ready to tell it.” via Instagram
Secret History interview with Terry Eagle at the McKee Button Factory in Muscatine.
Secret History interview with Terry Eagle at the McKee Button Factory in Muscatine. #buttons #shantyboat #history #iowa #riverhistory #mississippiriver via Instagram
Secret History interview with #canoe and #kayak #paddler Jo who grew up in Rock Island between the Rock and Mississippi Rivers
Secret History interview with #canoe and #kayak #paddler Jo who grew up in Rock Island between the Rock and Mississippi Rivers. #history #Shantyboat #oralhistory #riverangel via Instagram
Interviewed and spent an enjoyable afternoon with Mary Costello
Interviewed and spent an enjoyable afternoon with Mary Costello author of two volumes of drawings of every bridge crossing the Mississippi River from the gulf to the headwaters. #Shantyboat via Instagram
Secret History interview with Brian Schadt, City Engineer, Davenport, Iowa
Secret History interview with Brian Schadt, City Engineer talking about Davenport, Iowa’s decision not to erect flood walls in favor of their connection with the river. #Shantyboat via Instagram
Secret History interviewee Rhonda Anderson talks about keeping bees. #Shantyboat
Secret History interviewee Rhonda Anderson talks about keeping bees. #Shantyboat via Instagram
Secret History interview with former correctional officer Dave Rogers of Cordova IL. #Shantyboat
Secret History interview with former correctional officer Dave Rogers of Cordova IL. #Shantyboat
Gifts from Secret History interviewee Dave Rogers, buttons made from mussel shells, the drilled shells, river reading material.
Gifts from Secret History interviewee Dave Rogers, buttons made from mussel shells, the drilled shells, river reading material. #Shantyboat
Heeeello? This is Iowa
We meet an angel. We are famous. A slew of interviews. Fresh apple pie. A storm sends us spinning.
Secret History interview with Jenna Sanders, co-owner of @392caffe in Clinton, Iowa
Secret History interview with Jenna Sanders, co-owner of @392caffe in Clinton #Iowa. #Shantyboat
Twin Towns of Gritty Charm and Regret
A reality TV star, a gay couple, a 12-year old hippy with an edge, and showers of vegetables and catfish
Life with the Party People of Galena
We came to Galena for the day and stayed for four nights, meeting new friends, and someone we were supposed to meet a year ago. And we learned that there ain’t no party like a Galena sandbar boat party.
Two Nuns, A Gambler, and an Heiress walk onto a boat… (updated)
We’ve been the talk of the town to some degree. Dozens of people have made their way to the docks at the National Mississippi River Museum to check out our shantyboat. Many of them were clutching the article that came out in the Telegraph Herald last Friday. A lot of places we go, people ask…
An Unexpected Accident, Clamming Goldrush, and Bald Eagles in Lansing
A breakfast disaster, repairs, an interview with a clammer, and a trip to see bald eagles coming to a McDonalds dumpster near you.
Karen Galema, Mississippi River fisherman
Karen Galema in her life has been a fisherman, an EMT, a bookkeeper for the large fish market in Lansing, and finally the manager of the Lansing River History and Commercial Fishing museum. This is an excerpt from our interview in Lansing, Iowa along the banks of the Mississippi River.
Louise and the Winona Backwaters
A promised date with Louise results in a shantyboat tour of the backwaters of Winona.
Two Prairie Island Indian Community Interviews
I had the tremendous honor of interviewing two members of the Prairie Island Indian Community, part of the Mdewakanton Sioux band (“people born of the water”), located just north of Red Wing.
Two Great Interviews in the Twin Cities
All and all, it was an amazing and emotionally exhausting day that came closer to my desire to highlight contested history, resistance, histories that didn’t make the establishment narrative, and stories about women, people of color, and non-dominant cultures.
Jessica Bierbrauer and the Future River
Jessica Bierbrauer, director of the Great River Road Visitor & Learning Center in Prescott WI, talks about the future of the river.
John Sullivan and Fish Kills
John Sullivan, retired DNR officer in La Crosse WI, talks about river water quality and battling sources of pollution.
Kali Arlene and Latsch Island
Kali Arlene, Latsch Island boathouse resident in Winona MN, talks about living on the river and interactions with the people who live in town.
Lauren Donovan and the Creepy Guy
Lauren Donovan, who kayaked the length of the Mississippi River from Lake Itasca to New Orleans, talks about an unexpected meeting while camping along the river.
Beautiful People I’ve Interviewed
With help from numerous people who work and live on the Mississippi River, I am creating an ongoing digital archive of personal histories. These are just some of the people I interviewed as part of A Secret History of American River People.
Lauren Donovan on Nearly Drowning at Lock 11
Lauren Donovan, who kayaked the length of the Mississippi River from Lake Itasca to New Orleans, talks about nearly drowning in Lock 11 near Dubuque, Iowa.
Peter Rachleff on the Creativity of Poor People
Peter Rachleff, Professor of History, talks about how poor people in the Twin Cities have historically used the sawn ends and off cuts from the sawmills to build shanties.