Wes Modes
Maddy and friends show up on a scavenger hunt from the History Museum
Maddy and friends show up on a scavenger hunt from the History Museum
Clyde searches for treasures that had washed out of the riverbanks
Clyde was motor about in a tiny boat with his girlfriend to beaches on the Sac and American Rivers finding treasures that had washed out of the riverbanks. Old bottles, coins and brass buttons
The mysterious Party Yacht Wall on the American River
The mysterious Party Yacht Wall on the American River
Fanny Ann’s Saloon in Old Town Sac, 5 stories of layered history and Californiana kitsch
Fanny Ann’s Saloon in Old Town Sac, 5 stories of layered history and Californiana kitsch
Shantyboat encounters the cutest thing in the whole world
Shantyboat encounters the cutest thing in the whole world
Tell Us About Shantyboat Communities
Everywhere we go, we keep hearing that once upon a time, there were communities of shantyboaters living just at the edge of town along the river. We are putting the call out for you to contribute your story.
Interview with Keith Turley, owner of Stingrayz Bar & Marina along the banks of the Sacramento River in Knights Landing
Interview with Keith Turley, owner of Stingrayz Bar & Marina along the banks of the Sacramento River in Knights Landing
Shantyboat in the big city or pretty damn close. Chillin at Swabbies where pirate paraphernalia dominates
Shantyboat in the big city or pretty damn close. Chillin at Swabbies where pirate paraphernalia dominates
Down past the confluence with the Feather River approaching Sac, the river broadens out into the big river we are used to from our adventures on the Mississippi and Tennessee
Down past the confluence with the Feather River approaching Sac, the river broadens out into the big river we are used to from our adventures on the Mississippi and Tennessee
Shantyboat on the wide Sacramento. Photo by Mike Garofalo
Shantyboat on the wide Sacramento. Photo by Mike Garofalo
Benzy’s drawing of the shantyboat docked at Stingrayz in Knight’s Landing
Benzy’s drawing of the shantyboat docked at Stingrayz in Knight’s Landing
Knight Landing Drawbridge under which we are docked that creaks and rumbles as cars pass all night long
Knight Landing Drawbridge under which we are docked that creaks and rumbles as cars pass all night long
Closest Thing to Civilization Between Red Bluff and Sac
We’d been looking forward to our arrival in Colusa. Not only was it the largest town on the Sacramento River between Red Bluff and Sac, but it was also the furthest south I’d ever been on the river on my three earlier raft and canoe trips. So everything from here on out would be completely…
“And, it should be added, many of the shanty-boat types were rascals who could turn with complete ease to chicken stealing, to selling patent medicine, to being fourth-rate actors, or even pretending to be preachers if it appeared that’s fire-and-brimstone sermon might bring in a nice collection.” From Steamboats on the Mississippi
“And, it should be added, many of the shanty-boat types were rascals who could turn with complete ease to chicken stealing, to selling patent medicine, to being fourth-rate actors, or even pretending to be preachers if it appeared that’s fire-and-brimstone sermon might bring in a nice collection.” From Steamboats on the Mississippi
Huge catfish dinner thanks to Benzy’s newly acquired mad fishing skills
Huge catfish dinner thanks to Benzy’s newly acquired mad fishing skills
I’m getting the band back together. River hobos on the town
I’m getting the band back together. River hobos on the town
The hot dry dusty town of Grimes reminds me of where I grew up with my grandparents
The hot dry dusty town of Grimes reminds me of where I grew up with my grandparents
Hazel builds a little chuppah in the heat of the day
Hazel builds a little chuppah in the heat of the day
Jeremiah spends the morning working a particularly tricky knot
Jeremiah spends the morning working a particularly tricky knot
We love that people frequently bring us homegrown veggies. Who brought us the peck of pickled peppers?
We love that people frequently bring us homegrown veggies. Who brought us the peck of pickled peppers?
Ships mate Jeremiah Daniels on his birthday, member of shantyboat crew on every expedition since 2014
Ships mate Jeremiah Daniels on his birthday, member of shantyboat crew on every expedition since 2014
“County’s heritage from the ante-bellum South and states-rights sympathies”
“County’s heritage from the ante-bellum South and states-rights sympathies” is a bit of an understatement. In fact, Colusa County, a mostly rural Southern Democrat county, voted for California to secede from the Union. When Lincoln was assassinated many in the county celebrated, resulting in the arrests of the most adamant revelers by Union soldiers. While…
Anthurium in the shantyboat. These civilizing touches are an important part of our wild journey
Anthurium in the shantyboat. These civilizing touches are an important part of our wild journey
Association of Shantyboaters certification and various photos on the shantyboat
Association of Shantyboaters certification and various photos on the shantyboat
Radio shelf, engine gauges, and tobacco shelf from top to bottom on the shantyboat
Radio shelf, engine gauges, and tobacco shelf from top to bottom on the shantyboat
Behind the wheel of an early 80s Ford pickup to breakfast in Colusa thanks to Mike
Behind the wheel of an early 80s Ford pickup to breakfast in Colusa thanks to Mike
ABC10 out of Sacramento has us do stupid human boating tricks for an extensive report about the Secret History project
ABC10 out of Sacramento has us do stupid human boating tricks for an extensive report about the Secret History project
A Wild River
A treacherous adventure down a hazard-choked river – Rides from strangers – Water emergency – An Interview – Mr. Johnson fixed – Birthday pie
Benzy’s patches to our meece-eaten screens probably saved us
Benzy’s patches to our meece-eaten screens probably saved us from getting eaten alive by bloodsucking carnivores in the night
Happy and exhausted after an amazing day shantyboating with great friends
Happy and exhausted after an amazing day shantyboating with great friends
After a morning dodging snags and gravel beds through a series of hazardous and scary ordeals…
After a morning dodging snags and gravel beds through a series of hazardous and scary ordeals, we deserve a moment of quiet drifting, fishing, and lunch buffet
Breakfast birthday blackberry shantyboat pie! Yes, we have an oven
Breakfast birthday blackberry shantyboat pie! Yes, we have an oven
Joe Lorenzo known around here as just Riverrat owns the boat that partly inspired the Secret History shantyboat
Joe Lorenzo known around here as just Riverrat owns the boat that partly inspired the Secret History shantyboat when we saw it ten years ago https://flic.kr/p/sLPi2F
Al brings us fresh vegetables from his garden as we interview his friend Mike
Al brings us fresh vegetables from his garden as we interview his friend Mike
Mike Frawley retired contractor in Princeton tells us about idyllic life in a tiny town of 400
Mike Frawley retired contractor in Princeton tells us about idyllic life in a tiny town of 400
Cocktail hour after a great interview with Caged Heat and Dr Thunder’s hella Peachy Fire Whiskey. Great day
Cocktail hour after a great interview with Caged Heat and Dr Thunder’s hella Peachy Fire Whiskey. Great day
A tailgate ride from a stranger down America’s dustiest road
A tailgate ride from a stranger down America’s dustiest road
A moment of blissful relaxation between moments of terror
A moment of blissful relaxation between moments of terror
Spoiler alert: We are still alive. Just went through the sketchiest bit of boating I’ve done in a ten year career of sketchy boating
Spoiler alert: We are still alive. Just went through the sketchiest bit of boating I’ve done in a ten year career of sketchy boating
Cocktail hour refuge from the sun in the shadow of the shantyboat. JG Ballard’s The Drowned World
Cocktail hour refuge from the sun in the shadow of the shantyboat. JG Ballard’s The Drowned World
“Yeah, we did see some gravel beds. How did you know?
“Yeah, we did see some gravel beds. How did you know?
Anchor line set disappearing into the green depths while we fish from the stern
Anchor line set disappearing into the green depths while we fish from the stern
Our Official Engine Provider Mercury Marine’s next new ad photo
Our Official Engine Provider Mercury Marine’s next new ad photo
Fits and Starts
I’m struggling with how to describe our strange fits-and-starts launch on the Sacramento River at Red Bluff. I’ll tell you right up front like a postmodern mystery novel that the culprit was Bad Gas.
Sara Jane Hall, BBC producer joined us on the first few days of the expedition @bbc
Sara Jane Hall, BBC producer joined us on the first few days of the expedition @bbc
Dave: “You got water in your fuel, Chief.”
Dave: “You got water in your fuel, Chief.” Not a little bit either. Note the line between clear and cloudy liquid. But how did so much water get in our fresh gas in a fresh tank? Sabotage?
Amy, who finds herself homeless after being laid off as a dental tech, was excited about the tiny house possibilities of the shantyboat
Amy, who finds herself homeless after being laid off as a dental tech, was excited about the tiny house possibilities of the shantyboat
Sara Jane Hall interviews Sheriff Chad about Red Bluff history
Sara Jane Hall interviews Sheriff Chad about Red Bluff history
The saddest boat trailering experience ever. Sad face
The saddest boat trailering experience ever. Sad face
We are camped under beautiful cooling oaks and sycamores in 135 degree heat 50 feet from the Sac River
We are camped under beautiful cooling oaks and sycamores in 135 degree heat 50 feet from the Sac River
Secret History exhibit at the Sacramento History Museum through July
Secret History exhibit at the Sacramento History Museum through July
Okay, we’re off
After months of prep, a month-long fundraiser, weeks of long hard work days on the shantyboat, months of research, tons of help from from friends, and help from our sponsors, we are finally off on the road toward the river.
Sac River maps arrived at the last minute! So fun to see every little slough, channel, and marina
Sac River maps arrived at the last minute! So fun to see every little slough, channel, and marina
Important last minute printing tasks. Leave your river story at the Secret History exhibit at the Sacramento History Museum in July
Important last minute printing tasks. Leave your river story at the Secret History exhibit at the Sacramento History Museum in July
Jeremiah puts the finishing touches on the new instrument panel
Jeremiah puts the finishing touches on the new instrument panel
Miah wires up our homemade wiring post for gauge panel
Miah wires up our homemade wiring post for gauge panel
Making big holes in the motor well to bolt on the new motor. @mercurymarine
Making big holes in the motor well to bolt on the new motor. @mercurymarine
After years of effort to make sure our motor well was sealed I am cutting a huge hole in it
After years of effort to make sure our motor well was sealed I am cutting a huge hole in it
Steering: check. Throttle: check. Shift: check. Battery: check. Controls: check. Freddy2 ready for action. @mercurymarine
Steering: check. Throttle: check. Shift: check. Battery: check. Controls: check. Freddy2 ready for action. @mercurymarine
Oh nothing much. Just routing cables within Freddy2’s guts
Oh nothing much. Just routing cables within Freddy2’s guts
Are We Going To Die on the Sacramento River?
There are a few things that worry me. Because of the very wet California winter, water levels are high and I’ve heard flow rates are intense. Additionally, the Sacramento River is full of hazards including snags, sweepers, strainers, rocks, stump fields, and eddies.
A Secret History of American River People in Sacramento
The Sacramento History Museum is proud to present a compelling new exhibit titled A Secret History of American River People opening on Saturday, July 1, 2017. The special art and history project is part of a larger effort that spans many years and covers multiple rivers.
Making holes in a perfectly good boat with a clever jig
Making holes in a perfectly good boat with a clever jig
James and Wes rewiring (turns out unnecessarily) the new MerController
James and Wes rewiring (turns out unnecessarily) the new MerController
MerControl2 wired up for new power. Good day of work w Benzy, James & Miah
MerControl2 wired up for new power. Good day of work w Benzy, James & Miah
What River is Next?
People ask us all the time, “What river will we be on next?” We put a lot of thought into which river we’ll spend our summer fieldwork. So far, it’s been mostly year by year. And there are a lot of considerations in choosing.
Setting in supplies thanks to a pretty sweet sponsorship
Setting in supplies thanks to a pretty sweet sponsorship
Working Working Working
Less than two weeks before we launch. We’ve been doing a ton of work and there is still a ton of work to do. Here’s an update on stuff done:
Studying up on the new Mercury parts from our Official Engine Provider
Studying up on the new Mercury parts from our Official Engine Provider
Dirty, covered in paint and epoxy after a full day of working on the shantyboat
Dirty, covered in paint and epoxy after a full day of working on the shantyboat
Benzy works on her thesis among the chaos of shantyboat work
Benzy works on her thesis among the chaos of shantyboat work
We had a problem with the hold doors on the shantyboat always creeping open. Magnets
We had a problem with the hold doors on the shantyboat always creeping open. Magnets
Decommissioning the old MerControl on the shantyboat
Decommissioning the old MerControl on the shantyboat
The untidy state of the shantyboat between journeys
The untidy state of the shantyboat between journeys
Not seen the new Secret History trailer yet? Check it out!
Not seen the new Secret History trailer yet? Check it out! http://peoplesriverhistory.us/blog/trailer2017/
Only 5 days left: $3230 still to go! Great rewards.
Only 5 days left: $3230 still to go! Great rewards. Project full of https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1245766964/a-secret-history-sacramento-river-expedition