Wes Modes
Chicken Shit Bingo at the Bushwick City Farm
Chicken Shit Bingo at the Bushwick City Farm #bushwick #brooklyn #nyc #Shantyboat [codepeople-post-map]
In case you were wondering if they were any traces of old Brooklyn still existing…
In case you were wondering if they were any traces of old Brooklyn still existing… The elevated moves over Bushwick #Brooklyn #NYC #ILoveNY #ElTrain #Bushwick #Shantyboat [codepeople-post-map]
For years friends have been telling me “You’d fit in great in New York.”
For years friends have been telling me “You’d fit in great in New York.” No doubt thinking of my curtness and impatience. I was looking forward to that. While the city didn’t disappoint for authentic and mind-blowing streetscapes, New York City totally let me down in terms of the legendary rudness of New Yorkers.When a…
I hope I don’t ever become accustomed to New York City streets
I hope I don’t ever become accustomed to New York City streets. The mix of beauty and ugly, old and new, historic and churn is always invigorating. Little Zelda in Crown Heights #Shantyboat #NYC #Brooklyn #CrownHeights #FranklinAve #iloveny [codepeople-post-map]
Swale: a floating food forest, a project by @marymattingly that I wanted to see but accidentally ran into at Pier 4 at the Brooklyn Army Terminal
Swale: a floating food forest, a project by @marymattingly that I wanted to see but accidentally ran into at Pier 4 at the Brooklyn Army Terminal #shantyboat #foodforest #barges #brooklyn #nyc #nywaterways [codepeople-post-map]
Considering that a combined sewage outflow can be triggered on Newtown Creek by 1/10 of an inch of rain, perhaps this isn’t the day for a swim in the creek
Considering that a combined sewage outflow can be triggered on Newtown Creek by 1/10 of an inch of rain, perhaps this isn’t the day for a swim in the creek #cso #rawsewage #waterquality #shantyboat #newtowncreek #brooklyn #queens #nyc [codepeople-post-map]
Marie Lorenz talks about her experience padding the entire 520 miles of the Erie Canal in 2016
Marie Lorenz talks about her experience padding the entire 520 miles of the Erie Canal in 2016 joined by musician Chris Bell at Red Hook’s Waterfront Museum #eriecanal #brooklyn #redhook @lorenzmarie [codepeople-post-map]
Hard to get tired of this view
Hard to get tired of this view. #shantyboat #nyc #brooklyn #queens #newtowncreek [codepeople-post-map]
Highlands Current: Shanty on the River
Highlands Current By Ross Corsair Wes Modes and Lauren Benz, accompanied by Hazel the dog, are sailing down the Hudson River to New York City aboard a shanty boat. We caught up with them on July 15 in Kingston, a few days before they passed the Highlands to dock in Haverstraw, opposite Croton. Modes and…
Aboard the Mary A Walen, Carolina and Robert show me around the incredible galley, the engine room and on deck
Aboard the Mary A Walen, Carolina and Robert show me around the incredible galley, the engine room and on deck. #Shantyboat #MaryWhalen #NewYorkHarbor #Brooklyn #Redhook #NYC [codepeople-post-map]
So excited to finally visit the Mary A Whalen but alas all the hands may have been swept out to sea
So excited to finally visit the Mary A Whalen but alas all the hands may have been swept out to sea #MaryWhalen #portsideny #shantyboat
T. Willis Elkins of the Newtown Creek Alliance takes water samples and measurements of temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity in more than a half dozen places on Newtown Creek
T. Willis Elkins of the Newtown Creek Alliance takes water samples and measurements of temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity in more than a half dozen places on Newtown Creek #newtowncreek #Shantyboat #Brooklyn #Greenpoint #NYC
Dutch Kills off of Newtown Creek on a sampling expedition with T. Willis Elkins
Dutch Kills off of Newtown Creek on a sampling expedition with T. Willis Elkins. #DutchKills #NewtownCreek #Queens #Brooklyn #NYC #Shantyboat
The marina of broken dreams
The marina of broken dreams #docks #pilings #newtowncreek #brooklyn #nyc
In the wilds of Brooklyn, in a land of artists’ studios and light industrial garages, the Schamonchi serves as a floating community center at the end of Newtown Creek
In the wilds of Brooklyn, in a land of artists’ studios and light industrial garages, the Schamonchi serves as a floating community center at the end of Newtown Creek #Shantyboat #CommunitySpaces #BlueAnarchy #Brooklyn #NYC
Passing tow Mister Jim on Newtown Creek
Passing tow Mister Jim on Newtown Creek #Shantyboat #tugboat #Barges #NewtownCreek #Brooklyn #Greenpoint #NYC
Like a lot of NYC waterways, Newtown Creek is cleaner than it has been in the last 150 years, but dirtier than it should be
Like a lot of NYC waterways, Newtown Creek is cleaner than it has been in the last 150 years, but dirtier than it should be. NYC like a lot of towns up and down the Hudson has a “combined system,” meaning that the sewer and the street runoff go into the same system to be…
The Thing in Greenpoint Brooklyn where literally millions of unsorted records await you
The Thing in Greenpoint Brooklyn where literally millions of unsorted records await you #recordstore #treasurehunt #needleinahaystack #brooklyn #greenpoint #nyc
Josephine, Bella and Eric in the West Village who used to live in California and have traveled everywhere
Josephine, Bella and Eric in the West Village who used to live in California and have traveled everywhere #WestVillage #Manhattan #NYC
Crif Dogs in the East Village where if you give the right password on the telephone in the booth, you slide into a hidden speakeasy
Crif Dogs in the East Village where if you give the right password on the telephone in the booth, you slide into a hidden speakeasy #EastVillage Manhattan #NYC
Melvins Juice Box / Rum Bar – detox / retox
Melvins Juice Box / Rum Bar – detox / retox #Manhattan #EastVillage##Manhattan #EastVillage #nyc
Stefania is holding down the bar at The Library
Stefania is holding down the bar at The Library, a place we accidentally ran into that a random stranger in Queens told us to visit just yesterday. #2018bartour #LowerEastSide #EastVillage #NYC @stefaniahatesbrunch
Entrance to the 1920s speakeasy the Back Room on the lower Eastside
Entrance to the 1920s speakeasy the Back Room on the lower Eastside #Speakeasy #Shantyboat #NYC #Manhattan
Taking a second look at the WhiteBox exhibition
Taking a second look at the WhiteBox exhibition #shantyboat #artshow #exhibition #lowereastside #manhattan #socialpractice #nyc
@gooddoghazel is gonna own this city
@gooddoghazel is gonna own this city #shantyboat #dogsofnewyork #cattledogsofnewyork
Jackson’s Deli in Long Island City, Queens and the 7 Train
Jackson’s Deli in Long Island City, Queens and the 7 Train #LIC #Queens #NYC #deli
Talking to Jeanette in LIC, Queens about everything…
Talking to Jeanette in LIC, Queens about everything including colloquial expressions, dive bars, traveling, gentrification, writing, finding ones balance, and coming around full circle. #shantyboat #streetmeetings #strangerstories #queens #LIC #NYC
Want to check out the Secret History shantyboat? We will be showing it at the North Brooklyn Boat Club
Want to check out the Secret History shantyboat? We will be showing it at the North Brooklyn Boat Club open house (of which we are members!) Tue Jul 31st 4-7pm. 51 Ash St, Greenpoint Brooklyn. We’d love to see you.
Join us tonight for a Secret History lecture and Q&A at the historic Sunview Luncheonette
Hey friends, come join us tonight July 29th for a Secret History lecture and Q&A at the historic Sunview Luncheonette (and collaborative art space) 6 to 9pm at 221 Nassau Ave Greenpoint. Potluck and BYOB to share. #shantyboat #greenpoint #brooklyn #arttalk #nyc
Shantyboat under the Pulaski Bridge. Empire State off the bow
Shantyboat under the Pulaski Bridge. Empire State off the bow. #shantyboat #nyc #brooklyn #queens
Sunny’s Bar in Red Hook, Brooklyn dive bar on the outside, dearly loved tavern inside
Sunny’s Bar in Red Hook, Brooklyn dive bar on the outside, dearly loved tavern inside #shantyboat #eastriver #divebar #redhook #brooklyn #nyc
Benzy’s new 79 Leigh Valley tattoo
Benzy’s new 79 Leigh Valley tattoo #shantyboat #waterfrontmuseum #sailorcostume #anchorshirt
Join us at the Waterfront Museum in Red Hook, Brooklyn today Sat July 28th 1-5pm. Next Thu Aug 2nd we will host an artist talk at 7pm.
Secret History exhibition at Waterfront Museum in Red Hook Brooklyn
Secret History exhibition at Waterfront Museum in Red Hook Brooklyn. Opening reception Sat July 28th 1-5pm. Artist Talk Aug 2nd 7-9pm #shantyboat #exhibition #artshow #rivers #hudsonriver #redhook #brooklyn #nyc
Geraniums on the stern of the Waterfront Museum barge
Geraniums on the stern of the Waterfront Museum barge #shantyboat #waterfront #eastriver #redhook #brooklyn #nyc
Playing with mini George Rhodes kinetic sculpture at the Waterfront Museum in Red Hook, Brooklyn
Playing with mini George Rhodes kinetic sculpture at the Waterfront Museum in Red Hook, Brooklyn #shantyboat #woodenboats #redhook #brooklyn #nyc
Secret History opening last night in Manhattan: five years of photographs on silk organza forming a multilayer and nonlinear narrative of the stories of river people
Secret History opening last night in Manhattan: five years of photographs on silk organza forming a multilayer and nonlinear narrative of the stories of river people, excerpts of oral history interviews, and a conversation between water-based artists Marie Lorenz, Duke Riley (remote from his sailboat), and Wes Modes. @lorenzmarie @dukerileystudio @dgoats #shantyboat #artshow #secrethistory #publicspace…
Shantyboat upon waking under the Pulaski Bridge
Shantyboat upon waking under the Pulaski Bridge #shantyboat #nblknd #nyc #greenpoint
Hanging the show at WhiteBox. Five years of Secret History photographs, video, interviews, and artifacts
Hanging the show at WhiteBox. Five years of Secret History photographs, video, interviews, and artifacts. #shantyboat #artshow #nyc
Hazel asleep with her dolphin
Hazel asleep with her dolphin. #shantyboat @gooddoghazel #cattledogsofinstagram
Yolonda traces the path of the Mississippi River for the Secret History exhibition at WhiteBox tomorrow
Yolonda traces the path of the Mississippi River for the Secret History exhibition at WhiteBox tomorrow. #shantyboat #exhibition #artshow
One of the weirder tasks I’ve done this week, rolling a 16 ft boat through the streets of Manhattan
One of the weirder tasks I’ve done this week, rolling a 16 ft boat through the streets of Manhattan #shantyboat #boatinginnyc #
Living in NYC is a hairy business. Shipmate shearing
Living in NYC is a hairy business. Shipmate shearing. #diyhaircut #shantyboat
Talk about adaptive ingenuity among river people: North Brooklyn Boat Club
Talk about adaptive ingenuity among river people. At the North Brooklyn Boat Club, a long space between buildings no wider than a truck is used for hosting paddle trips, environmental education, resource reuse, and social gatherings. #NorthBrooklyn #Brooklyn #Shantyboat #NYC #BoatClub #paddling #Reuse @northbkboatclub
Just sitting on our back deck drinking my morning coffee…
Just sitting on our back deck drinking my morning coffee looking up Newtown Creek to Manhattan and the Empire State #shantyboat #manhattan #nbrooklyn #newtowncreek
My first major NYC show featuring five years of secret history photographs, video, audio, writing, and artifacts. Featuring A facilitated discussion with water-based artists Marie Lorenz, Duke Riley, Dylan Gauthier, and Wes Modes. Thu 26 July 6-8pm at WhiteBox Art Space on the Lower East Side. #Shantyboat #ArtExhibition #NYC #NewYork #LowerEastSide @whiteboxny #SocialPractice @lorenzmarie @dgoats…
As we are enjoying a nightcap, a party boat comes up Newtown Creek with what appears to be a boatload of Hasidim dancing to a Klezmer band
As we are enjoying a nightcap, a party boat comes up Newtown Creek with what appears to be a boatload of Hasidim dancing to a Klezmer band which breaks into a tune “Say hello to the shantyboat. Shantyboat! shantyboat!” Until they were well out of hearing. WTF? Such a strange and wonderful welcome. #shantyboat #klezmer…
Best welcome ever at the North Brooklyn Boat Club
Best welcome ever at the North Brooklyn Boat Club. Felt like meeting old friends. Benzy said it was are “We Made It Point” #shantyboat #wemadeit @northbkboatclub #pbr
An unprecidented view out the shantyboat backdoor
An unprecidented view out the shantyboat backdoor. #shantyboat #nyc #manhattan #eastriver
Queensboro Bridge across Roosevelt Island with the little shantyboat on the East River heading toward Brooklyn
Queensboro Bridge across Roosevelt Island with the little shantyboat on the East River heading toward Brooklyn #shantyboat #rooseveltisland #eastriver #brooklyn
Will I ever get tired of New York cityscapes across the water? Not bloody likely
Will I ever get tired of New York cityscapes across the water? Not bloody likely. #shantyboat #cityscape #nyc #eastriver
Big sky over and big waves around Manhattan on the Harlem River. An inopportune wind blows north
Big sky over and big waves around Manhattan on the Harlem River. An inopportune wind blows north #Shantyboat #AccidentalHaiku #HarlemRiver #NYC
Here what I know about the Bronx: Don DeLillo’s Underworld, Bronx accents, and this photo. We’re between Manhattan and the Bronx
Here what I know about the Bronx: Don DeLillo’s Underworld, Bronx accents, and this photo. We’re between Manhattan and the Bronx. #shantyboat #bronx #manhattan
We are going to be entering fucking New York City in a fucking Shantyboat. Pardon my language and my excitement
We are going to be entering fucking New York City in a fucking Shantyboat. Pardon my language and my excitement #Shantyboat #NYC #AbsurdistPranks
Re-launching under the George Washington Bridge on the Hudson river on a pretty choppy day
Re-launching under the George Washington Bridge on the Hudson river on a pretty choppy day. #Shantyboat #ChoppyWater #HudsonRiver
Accidentally passed by the childhood home my favorite early 20th Century realist painters, Edward Hopper
Accidentally passed by the childhood home my favorite early 20th Century realist painters, Edward Hopper. #shantyboat #painters #painting #realists #moody
Triptych: How to trailer a shanty boat in a strong crosswind on a homemade boat trailer
Triptych: How to trailer a shanty boat in a strong crosswind on a homemade boat trailer #shantyboat #boattrailer #triptych
This brick found by Ginny Norfleet in her yard turned out to be the cornerstone of what was the first African church in the county
This brick found by Ginny Norfleet in her yard turned out to be the cornerstone of what used to be the African Methodist Episcopal Bethel church, founded by enslaved people and free Blacks in 1846. The church was Rockland County‘s first African-American church. #shantyboat #brickyards #haverstraw #hudsonriver
Docknic in a storm
Docknic in a storm. When you get tired of the relentless yaw and roll of your shantyboat #shantyboat #picnic #hudsonriver
Weighing our options: take out now or keep going down the Hudson to New York?
Weighing our options: take out now or keep going down the Hudson to New York? Naturally, we want to go into the city by water, but we don’t want to die doing it. If we pull out now, where will we park the truck and trailered shantyboat? If we keep going, is there a protected…
Riverport Sailing School creating baby sailors.
Riverport Sailing School creating baby sailors. #shantyboat #babysailors #rondoutcreek #hudsonriver
Maritime hitchhiking: Matt and Leanne offer us a ride in their fancy boat back to safety
Maritime hitchhiking: We took the johnboat down into town for lunch, but by the time we headed back, the storm had kicked up large waves. We took the prudent course and turned back around. Matt and Leanne offered us a ride in their fancy boat back to the shantyboat. #shantyboat #rescue #hudsonriver #weather
Rockland/Westchester Journal: A shanty in Haverstraw: A floating art project explores the lives and history of ‘river people’
Rockland/Westchester Journal by Rochel Leah Goldblatt [KGVID title=””]https://peoplesriverhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/28911775001_5811811674001_5811813003001.mp4[/KGVID] HAVERSTRAW – Wes Modes stood on the bow of his shanty as it bobbed gently at Admirals Cove Marina on Friday morning, a cup of coffee in a mason jar and his four-legged companion, Hazel, at his side. Modes, a Santa Cruz artist and lecturer at two California…
Haverstraw and Ossining are the widest point on the Hudson River. Because of the long reaches winds can whip up fierce waves. It is debatable whether we should even be out on a day like today
Haverstraw and Ossining are the widest point on the Hudson River. Because of the long reaches winds can whip up fierce waves. It is debatable whether we should even be out on a day like today. #LittleBigWaves shantyboat #hudsonriver #haverstraw #ossining
The bricks that built New York City, made Haverstraw wealthy and nearly spelled its doom
The bricks that built New York City, made Haverstraw wealthy and nearly spelled its doom. #shantyboat #haverstraw #hudsonriver #brickyards
In the Haverstraw brickyards African and Italian workers lived and worked side by side…
In the Haverstraw brickyards African and Italian workers lived and worked side by side, with possibly a majority of the workers being Black. Ginny Norfleet talked of everyone growing up having a Black grandma and an Italian grandma. Brickmaking made Haverstraw one of the richest towns on the Hudson River. The bricks made in Haverstraw…
“I am a proponent of highly walkable, human scale places in America.”
“I am a proponent of highly walkable, human scale places in America.” Jared and Jerry Rodriguez, father and son, stopped by the boat to share stories with us. Both were a treasure trove of local history and, in fact, Jared gives long history walks in Haverstraw. Jerry recalled during his time in the Sea Scouts…
The charming curator, staff and artists of WhiteBox came to visit the shantyboat in Haverstraw
The charming curator, staff and artists of WhiteBox came to visit the shantyboat in Haverstraw. #shantyboat #artistspace
The first time our bilge pumps have ever needed to be used. Docked in Haverstraw, water was coming over our stern
The first time our bilge pumps have ever needed to be used. Docked in Haverstraw, water was coming over our stern. #shantyboat #BilgePump #AMarinersUnreasonableFearOfHavingTheirBoatFillWithWater
Rockin and rollin during our Haverstraw pop-up
Rockin and rollin during our Haverstraw pop-up. #shantyboat #roughweather
“Uncle Susan is a Wolf.” We’ve seen this tag all over and found it in our ship’s log. Who is it?
“Uncle Susan is a Wolf.” We’ve seen this tag all over and found it in our ship’s log. Who is it? #shantyboat #graffitiart #shipslog
It was an interesting day on the water. Waves, wind, and spray
It was an interesting day on the water. Waves, wind, and spray. #shantyboat #waves #crazywater
Goodbye, sweet friend. You were a good bumper for the last five years. If anyone has a small tire we can use to replace the one now at the bottom of the river and is near Haverstraw…
Goodbye, sweet friend. You were a good bumper for the last five years. If anyone has a small tire we can use to replace the one now at the bottom of the river and is near Haverstraw…
The amazingly bumpin’ streets of Haverstraw, a magical land where white, black, and brown people bustle around downtown
The amazingly bumpin’ streets of Haverstraw, a magical land where white, black, and brown people bustle around downtown talking three or four different languages, children underfoot, where people talk to neighbors hanging out on the street, Dominican, Puerto Rican, Ecuadorian, Mexican restaurants everywhere. I am not kidding. We are struggling to describe it. #shantyboat #67percentlatinx…
The Elks come ready to talk it out face-to-face
Misunderstanding resolved: The Elks come ready to talk it out face-to-face. These gentlemen wanted us to know that they were getting emails from all over the country, that they apologized for the Elk who had been uh, brusque, invited us up to the lodge for drinks, and hoped we could have a do over. #doovers…
Interview with Ginny Norfleet. We talked about the invisible stories of 400 years of African-American history in Haverstraw NY
Interview with Ginny Norfleet. We talked about the invisible stories of 400 years of African-American history in Haverstraw NY. Ginny’s positivity and indomitable resilience in the face of institutional and personal racism, helped remind me why I do this project. #shantyboat #racism #invisiblestories #aahistory #brickyard #slavery #blacklivesmatter
This is us docked in Haverstraw moments before a member of the Elks Lodge kicked us off their docks
This is us docked in Haverstraw moments before the all white D-bag jeering squad at the Elks Lodge started yelling rude comments and told us to get the fuck off their docks. Moving over to the other marina, we faced the same treatment (There are no spaces available and we can’t have “something like this…
Indian Point Energy Center is a three-unit nuclear power plant station located in Buchanan, New York
Indian Point Energy Center is a three-unit nuclear power plant station located in Buchanan, New York, just south of Peekskill. It sits on the east bank of the Hudson River, about 36 miles north of Midtown Manhattan. #shantyboat
The Hudson river highlands are incredibly beautiful. Old rounded granite reminds me of the sierra Nevada mountains. #shantyboat
The Hudson river highlands are incredibly beautiful. Old rounded granite reminds me of the sierra Nevada mountains. #shantyboat
U.S.Army FB-814 gives tours out of West Point. Today they got a special tour feature. #shantyboat #tourboat #westpoint
U.S.Army FB-814 gives tours out of West Point. Today they got a special tour feature. #shantyboat #tourboat #westpoint
Mystery train bridge near World’s End. What is it bridging? #shantyboat #mysterytrain
Mystery train bridge near World’s End. What is it bridging? #shantyboat #mysterytrain
John Chamberlain sculptures at Dia:Beacon. He referred to these as Gondolas
John Chamberlain sculptures at Dia:Beacon. He referred to these as Gondolas. The piece referencing Melville is in foreground. Thanks to curator Daniel for showing us around. #shantyboat #artgallery #artmuseum
We drew a sizable crowd on the Poughkeepsie pedestrian bridge. #shantyboat
We drew a sizable crowd on the Poughkeepsie pedestrian bridge. #shantyboat
This looks like nothing, but when you’re in a boat with 10 inches of freeboard and you have a 10 mph following wind and associated waves against a strong upstream tidal current, it is decently terrifying. #shantyboat #LittleBigWaves
This looks like nothing, but when you’re in a boat with 10 inches of freeboard and you have a 10 mph following wind and associated waves against a strong upstream tidal current, it is decently terrifying. #shantyboat #LittleBigWaves
@gooddoghazel and I wait for the laundry #shantyboat
@gooddoghazel and I wait for the laundry #shantyboat
Boats work both ways, keeping water out AND keeping water in, particularly during northeast torrential summer rains #shantyboat #bailing
Boats work both ways, keeping water out AND keeping water in, particularly during northeast torrential summer rains #shantyboat #bailing
Looks like rain destroyed our canopy (and our bamboo poles) while we were in the city. #shantyboat #theWeatherStrikesBack
Looks like rain destroyed our canopy (and our bamboo poles) while we were in the city. #shantyboat #theWeatherStrikesBack
NYC Chinatown feels very welcoming and very Blade Runner. #shantyboat #nyc #chinatown
NYC Chinatown feels very welcoming and very Blade Runner. #shantyboat #nyc #chinatown
Assembling the pier at WhiteBox. #artshow #exhibition #secrethistory
Assembling the pier at WhiteBox. #artshow #exhibition #secrethistory