Kickstarter: Just a Few Days Left and Almost There

Each year we hold a fundraiser to support our summer fieldwork.  We are trying to raise $5580 before May 31st to bring the shantyboat to the Tennessee River and work our way downriver collecting stories for the archive. Your support makes this project work.

There are lots of ways to support the project. But if you can give your financial support, every little bit helps. Five bucks gets us 20 miles closer to the river. A hundred bucks pays for a a tenth of the cost of getting there.

How the Money is Spent

This year, the project has a $9K budget with $5580 coming from crowdsourcing. Most of that goes toward fieldwork and paying the artists.

FY 2016 Expense Objectives
Crowdsourcing makes up just over half of the Secret History budget, so as you can see, your support is critical. The rest of the project budget comes from grants and from the artist’s contribution to the project.

FY 2016 Funding Sources

There are only a few days left of this year’s Kickstarter and we are almost there! You can check out the rewards, forward to friends, from our Kickstarter page.

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Thanks to you and other generous backers, we are within easy sight of our goal. Let’s make sure we get all the way there.