Reddit: I am an artist who hopes you don’t read about my death when we launch our homemade (and untested) shantyboat on the Mississippi River AMA!

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For years I’ve been building DIY boats, often out of trash, and floating down major American rivers. This year, we’re launching the shantyboat we’ve been working on for two years on the Upper Mississippi River on an “anthro-historical journey to uncover the lost narratives of river people, river communities, and the river itself,” part of my MFA work at UCSC. The idea is to gather video and audio of people I meet and folks I’ve connected with before the trip which will be presented in little snippets via the web and social media along the way. I’m Wes Modes, a long-time artist, adventurer, writer, and so on. Also joining me on the trip (and in the AMA) will be first mate Kai Dalgleish (riselikethemoon) and ship’s hound Hazel. Ask me/us anything.


More about the journey:

EDIT: Kai and I are also veteran trainhoppers so these kind of adventures are not new to us.

EDIT2: If you want to get a really good lyrical flavor of the trip, check out the dreamy video on our kickstarter.

EDIT3: Thanks for all the great questions! Kai and I now have to go get busy readying the shantyboat and take care of the one million details surrounding the trip. We’ll check back and answer any great questions here later. Thanks!