We are excited to announce the Secret History Upper Mississippi Expedition Kickstarter!
Thanks to your support, last summer we traveled across country with the Shantyboat to the Mississippi River and spent a month gathering stories of river people. We interviewed dozens of folks, adventures, scientists, storytellers, river rats, boathouse people. Then we came back and turned those interviews into the soon-to-be-launched first installment of the Secret History documentary. Check out the project video.
An Ambitious Journey
This summer, the second phase of the project, we have even more ambitious plans. We are spending the entire summer on the Mississippi River continuing where we left off. Plus we have three exhibitions in the Twin Cities and a few at museums downriver. A whole summer on the river means we can talk to more River people. We can learn about the history and current issues of river communities. We can take the time to listen to the river.
When we get back, I’ll be working more on the web documentary and a full research archive of interviews. I’m even thinking of writing a book.
Why Kickstarter?
We are trying to raise $9000 before June 11th to bring the shantyboat to the Upper Mississippi River, to buy needed equipment, and work our way downriver collecting stories for the archive. Your support makes this project work.
There are lots of ways to support the project so check out the website. But if you can give your financial support, every little bit helps. Five bucks gets us 20 miles closer to the river. $25 and we will send you a hand scrawled drunken postcard from the Mississippi. Other reward include an exquisite shantyboat woodcut print by artists Jacob Simowitz and Secret History tee-shirts. Check out the rewards.
Please visit the Secret History Upper Mississippi Kickstarter page.
Thanks again for making a Secret History possible.
One response to “Secret History Summer 2015 Kickstarter”
Please visit Sanctuary for Independent Media today. If you don’t wish to scale a wall above
Federal Lock 1; easier is to meet people at
Ingalls Avenue Boat Launch just below Dam & Lock 1. Thanks!
Dick Sleeper 518-698-7692
P. S. I never got your # & card- your Friends came along & you disappeared.