We Outta Here

As you know, we aren’t just taking a boat trip.  We are driving 3,038 miles across the entire continent, spending a month on the river, hosting four boat open houses along the way, giving numerous artist talks, opening a major exhibition in NYC with dozens of new photos, new media elements, video projection, hosting another exhibition across the East River in Brooklyn, and then we are driving back. So…

3,038 miles to Whitehall, NY

That means that our TODO list is off the hook. So our original intention was to leave on Saturday. But here it is Tuesday morning and we are just pulling away from the Redwood House.

Underslept Benzy offers a wan goodbye during a flurry of last minute activity

You haven’t heard much from us in the last few because we were consumed by all the preparations.

Newly finished Shantyboat control panel
Helping Miah emerge from the aft port hold after replacing the cleat
Prototyping the new shantyphone
Electronics madness for the new shantyboat emergency phone
A few of the more than thirty Secret History photos printed on silk organza for NYC show at @whiteboxny

Benzy and I stayed up until 1am last night hemming the edges of the prints for the exhibition. More than 100 feet of hem total. We were stupid delirious near the end but it looks amazing.

We’ll post a few updates from the road. If you live anywhere along hwy 80 or 90 between the SF Bay Area and upstate NY, give us a shout out and maybe we’ll camp the shantyboat in your driveway.


One response to “We Outta Here”

  1. ooh! When are you going to test that flux capacitor!?